Wednesday, 22 July 2009

HKPA 飛躍道 Workshop

Steve, Louis you should be happy to hear, i finally had my first Parkour session, it's such a shame i never had a chance to train with you two, but my first experience was damn GOOOOD!

I ache all over today and man does it feel good! It's been more then a month since i last had a proper training session and the guys at Hong Kong Parkour Association does not mess about! I admit, my lack of training meant I'm not as strong as I was in London, but i didn't expect my legs to be shaking so badly from exhaustion at the end of the 2 hour session!

I've known about Parkour for quit a few years now and I have always been interested. I remember looking around a few years ago for a place to start Parkour but unfortunately that's when i fractured my right foot, taking me out of training for 9 months. Once i was fit enough to train i focused on TKD and gymnastics and didn't really have enough time and fully functioning limbs to try Parkour. Now I'm finally in HK, I'm so glad i can finally try this out for my self.

I've seen countless videos on Parkour over the years and I've certainly known about HKPA, I know what's it about and the kinda things they do but i never really looked into the believes behind it. Fung our main instructor on Saturday explained Parkour was more about improving oneself then to compete with others... to progress at your own rate and not get overly worked out on others progress, afterall we are all different with different strengths and weaknesses.

Another point they made was the sharing of knowledge, to help each other advance. When i left London, some of my good friends got me a really good book and it said:
Don't Covet your ideas
Give away everything you know, and more will come back to you

It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be by PAUL ARDEN
I was reading the book from a designer's perspective, so to see this being adapted in physical training was a nice surprise to me.... guess i have a lot to learn.

Can't wait for my next class! Need to get stronger!!!!

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