Thursday, 16 July 2009

Herbal stuff

I've lost count how many doctors, osteopaths, podiatrist, chiropractor and physiotherapist I've seen to try to fix my feet.

For those that don't know I've been suffering from pins and needles on the sole of my feet for around 2 years. I walk for 5 mins, they start hurting, i stand for 5 mins they start hurting. Its really annoying when i'm trying to enjoy TKD and gymnastics. Before someone suggest i should try resting, I HAVE! I've rested months at a time, but it doesn't work!

So now that i'm in HK, i thought i'll give the eastern medicine a go. So last friday I went to see "Synthetic Manual Physiotherapist". As I was waiting in the already packed room on a Saturday afternoon, i noticed there's a woman in the room currntly under going acupture, the left side of her arm, leg and face were covered with needles... I'm man enough to admit panic a little. it didn't look very painful and the fact that she didn't seem entirely comfortable didn't help.... it was my turn and luckily I was told i won't need acupuncture, that he would like me to start on some herbal medicine, he also gave me some exercise to do. All fine, until i got home and actually cooked the stuff!

Chinese medicine is suppose to work by tracing back to the root of the problem and fixing that as oppose to just blocking out the issue itself, sounds good in theory but does it taste NASTY, i miss my sugar coated ibuprofen! Drug me up baby! I'm going back tomorrow, let see what happens

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