Friday, 16 April 2010

Work work work

Following my last post about work going well, my girlfriend today asked me "Aren't you going a bit over the top with this work thing"?  It turns out I work around 60 - 70 hours a week, there's at least 2 days a week where I work from when I wake up to when i go to sleep... is that a bit too much?

I'm working this hard because I really want to be able to buy an apartment by end of this year. I've wanted to have my own proper place for a few years now, I've moved 9 times in the last 8 years and I hope the next place I live in would be nice place. I'm working so many hours must mean I'm saving up pretty nicely right? wrong!!! I don't know how the fuck I do it, but through out March, I earned less then if I work at McDonald? Since I left UK, I'm now working 60% more hours yet earning 25% what i used to!

Pretty clever I managed to get into this mess right? That's the thing about freelancing, right now I have several projects on the go and until they are finished I won't get paid, most of the time the money ain't too bad but I seem to be hitting a new low at the moment. Hence working harder to finish them off. I admit I can be a bit of a workaholic? that's why whenever I'm home i can't seem to switch off and I just work and work but recently it's getting a bit too much for me. I need to get out of the house a bit more.  it's getting pretty depressing when I look forward to going to th doctors just so i can leave the house. I am so bored right now, someone get me a drink!

I was looking for some old photos to use for a project and as i went through my computer I came across so many fond memories of how life used to be like when I had spare time,  Life in London seem such a long time ago. I wonder if I would get that lifestyle back again in HK.

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