Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Work going well... too well?

I didn't know if this could be possible, but work seem to be going to well lately, there's more jobs to take on then I have time. Already pushing something like 64 hours work week (it's not as bad as it sounds, I got used to it, never been one for TV or computer games anyway)

The problem is, i never intended to do freelance for this long, I always thought I'd do this for a few months then get me self a proper job, so I could learn more, have some colleagues and generally live life in HK. it's starting to look as if there's no need to get a proper job, I've fairly sure I can support myself with my current workload, most likely better pay then a full time job. I also enjoy the flexible work hours, sleeping til 10 everyday can't be a bad thing. The arguement is that I don't necessarily feel I know enough about the field yet. My ultimate goal is to have my own creative agency and with so much work it's looking as if I'm going toward the right direction, but never really worked inside a creative agency there's only so much i know about the working of one... seems like to dive into it head first is a bit risky, but some of these projects are just too good to pass on. can't say no to the guys I train Parkour with, nor can I say no to a DJ friend/mentor to design a site for a good cause and the latest one is to design for a tattoo artist I admire for a long time.  You see my predicament? there's also 3 other website I had already said Yes to taking on too.....

What should I do? keep on freelancing til I run out of work? or learn to say NO to clients no matter how interesting the project could be?????

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

I can see what you're doing!

For the first time since I was 9 years old, I could actually see what the hair dresser was doing when I'm getting a haircut - and I still didn't like it...haha

Yes I could have worn contact lens before, but I always had fear of hair going into my eye while getting the haircut and I just didn't fancy that idea. so I would just tell the hair dresser roughly what I'm after and trust his/her skills

Ever since I've been back in HK I might have had around half a dozen hair cuts and each time by a different hair dresser. Now I'm a creature of habit, i like my routines to a certain level and with chores like getting a hair cut I like to stick to the one I get on remotely with that doesn't turn my hair out to be a complete disaster, unfortunately I'm still struggling to find one I like. Not a big deal I'll just keep on looking, but it's also about settling into HK

I can't say I actually enjoy the experience of going to the hair dresser, you sit there like a lemon for 30mins plus waiting for someone to go around your head trying to make me look like everyone else on the street. First of all, sitting there for 30mins is a challenge enough, I had actually fallen asleep while getting a haircut before and the hair dresser didn't like my head nodding away... then there's the whole 'Am I suppose to be chatting to you' I can never work out what the right thing to do is, should i strike up a conversion with them or should i just leave them alone in peace to do their thing? I also stuggle with washing the hair out of my head for days. Even after they rinse your hair out and I go back to shower again, i just can't seem to get rid off all those little pieces of hair and too often wake up the next day with tons of hair on my pillow.

By the way, bored of having hair that pokes into my eye and looking like everyone else, i had taken a step back in time and gone back to the spiky hair thing, i know it's old school and far from trendy but at least I can manage the heat better this way, so what i look stupid, i do that myself anyway